UIDAI Hiring Notification 2024 for 6 Post of Assistant Technical Officer, Private Secretary, Assistant Accounts Officer


Uidai response the good
jobd  vacancies for the reuirement and
provide the job vacancies for the everyone thus this prvide the various
vacancies job for the everyone this job reuires the assistatnt technical job ,
private secrareory , enginerr and the others jobs fr the requirement for the
job requirements thus it require the job assistant for the requirement for the
everyone that will helps the requirements for the jobs assistant for the

Uadia requirements for the various posts for the technical
officer, assistant officer, sales man process

Technical officers

Qulafications: BE/BTECH

SALARY: 56000/ 1500000 RS

AGE LIMITS: 56 years


sales man


Qulafications: BA/ B.COM

SALARY: 56000/ 1500000 RS

AGE LIMITS: 50 years




assistant officer

Qulafications: BA/ B.COM

SALARY: 56000/ 1500000 RS

AGE LIMITS:48 years



head 1 head 2
oraganization name unique identification athourity of india
name of post assitant technical officer sales man
no of vacacies 3
job location gurugram
catagory technical prt
official link uaidi.com
salary 560000
interview based on process
selestion process interview
eligibility BE/BTECH

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